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In-Person Service UpdAtes



Los Angeles County is still coming down from a huge covid surge and Averyboo is dedicated to being part of the solution. We understand that everyone is feeling restless, frustrated and anxious to get back to "normal". We must remain vigilant in wearing masks and distancing so we can do just that. In the meantime, getting out of the house, seeing others safely, and doing something creative with our hands is such a GREAT way to lift children's spirits. Here's an update on our plans to hold limited services at the studio...

Saturday Workshops Starting February 20th, we will be offering 1-hour Saturday Art Workshops for ages 4-6 and 6.5-9. Each week we will create new artworks utilizing drawing, painting, mixed media, &/or crafts. Seating available for 6 students. For a limited time: Sign up for 4 consecutive weeks (in one purchase) to receive a $10 account credit (Expires Feb 20)! View the Saturday project schedule here>

Little Picassos and Awesome Art 1 Returning in-studio on Wednesdays, March 3-24. We will open a new session month-to-month as we monitor the pandemic, so be sure to jump on enrollment if you're interested - there are only 6 seats available per session! Visit the class links for registration:

Spring Break Camp

4/7-4/9, 9:45am-12pm

(Ages 7-10) Your child's creative side will sing making birdy-themed mixed media projects. Students will relish getting out of the house and using a variety of quality art materials. Invite a Friend - Hurry! There are only 6 seats; register today>

Pandemic Pods on Fridays Pod visits are private appointments for groups of friends or families who agree to exclude contact outside of the group in order to safely socialize together. Starting at $300, we can host a creative visit of up to 6 children who may be seated closer together. Each visit includes a guided art lesson, open easel painting & drawing games. *Please remember that our staff is not in your bubble, so masks are still required inside. Booking information>

Please note that anyone participating in one of our in-person services must abide by our strict Covid Protocols. If these protocols can not be followed, then please do not enroll at this time.

We hope that the public will continue to support small businesses by wearing masks and social distancing so that we can get back to seeing you all in person. We've been truly fortunate over the last 11 months to have a loyal group of families attend class online! It's absolutely the only reason we are still here.

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